OK, so here is the deal. Usually I let Summer take care of this stuff and I just add my two cents here and there - usually just when I have something that I think is funny to contribute. I can't help it today. We had pictures taken before Christmas and those of you who got our Christmas card saw our family picture. But most of you haven't seen any of the other pictures unless you went on Erin's webpage to see them. I can't wait any longer to post them on here though because I am just so dang proud of my family! I just want everyone to see how cool my kids are and how hot my wife is. So I stole these pictures off Erin's webpage and I posted them here. Hope she doesn't get too mad about it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Well, I guess it has been quite a while since we put anything on our blog. I am not going to try to catch everyone up on what's been going on. I just wanted to post a couple of little videos from our trip to Colorado over Christmas break. The first video is Cooper McMullin (Brigham's friend) and Paul. The second video has Brigham and then Summer and Joseph together. Enjoy.
We are a happy family and enjoy doing fun things together. Some of our favorite activities are riding our bikes at the beach, playing at the beach, swimming, movies in the park and playing at grandmas house in Gavalin hills (always an adventure).
Brigham is such a BOY! He wants to do everything daddy does. He is very determined and when he sets his mind on something it gets done. Brigham loves to surf (boogie board), skateboard, play baseball, ride his bike, swim, play with his cousins and friends and go to work with his daddy.
Joseph is a sweatheart. He loves to snuggle, give hugs and kisses and share everything with everyone!! Joseph loves cars , trains and anything with an engine that makes noise and can crash! Joseph loves Grandmas, he tells me this all the time and I'm pretty sure it's because every Grandma he's ever met gives him anything he wants (smart kid). He also loves riding bikes, swimming and going to grandmas house.
Paul is at a really fun age, we call him curious Paul because he is into everything!! His favorite thing to do is follow me around the house and undo everything I do! He also loves swimming, riding his scooter, playing at grandmas house, making Ben laugh and watching Star Wars! He is such a happy boy and tries so hard to be a big kid. He loves everyone and everyone loves him!
Benjamin is the newest addition to our little family. We just love him so much! He has brought so much joy into our home over the last year. This boy always has a smile on his face! He loves to give hugs and kisses and watch his brothers run circles around him! He loves being the center of attention and his favorite thing to do is patty cakes!
2/08 Paul was outside watching daddy wash Daisy (our dog) and learned a knew word. I was trying to rock him to sleep later and he climbed off my lap opened the door walked out of the room and said (pointing his finger) "MOMMY STAY"! I just started laughing.
2/08 Joseph: Mom I love you so much ! Mom: I love you more! Joseph: Nuh uh, I love you as much as the beach has water!
1/08 Joseph: Can dad lift up a car? Mom: I don't think he could lift a car, but daddy is really strong. Joseph: I know he could lift a big fire engine truck! Mom: You know he can??? Joseph: Yeah, cause my teacher at church told me my dad has PRIESTHOOD POWER!!! So I KNOW he can!
11/8/07 Joseph: I'm so glad we bought Paul! Brig: We didn't buy Paul...we grew him!!
10/07 Brig: Mom do you know what I want to be when I grow up? Mom: What Brig: I want to be a dad and have a honey(wife) AND I want to be a rock star! Joseph: Oh yeah! Well I want to be a dad and a fire department (police officer) with lots of stickers.
10/07 Dad:Brig you are getting so big. I wish you could stay a little boy, but it's too late for that because your such a big kid now. Brig: But; dad when I grow up, I'm gonna live right out there in front of your house so I can still come see you and mom every day!