Monday, December 17, 2007

Family Slideshow

Here are some pictures from our family photo shoot. Our good friend Shawna Banagas (Krepps) took us to Yorba Regional Park and did an amazing job photographing our family. I was so afraid that none of the pictures were going to turn out because the boys were being...well...boys!! But Shawna worked her magic and somehow got some good shots! I can't decide if I like them better in black and white or color so please leave your comments and let me know what you like. The slideshow has some of the black and white and the next post shows them in color. Thank you Shawna... You're Great!!


Erin said...

summer what a cute cute family. Im loving the photos. Shawna is so good at what she does. As for an opinion of your pics...i love the black and white of the boys looking at the ducks with the shirts off...adorable. I like the color pic of you and Mike. SO theres my "input"! ANyway Have a merry Christmas!!!

Shannon said...

I love the black and white, they seem timeless. I'm with Erin, love the duck cute. What did you end up going with?

Emily said...

Okay, I am going to say that I love the boys without the shirts looking at the lake in black and white, and I am usually a black and white or sepia girl but I love the color shots! I think with the green grass and the colors you wore it looks so good in color! I

A Fun Slideshow