Monday, May 5, 2008

I thought this was pretty cute. This weekend we had to stop by my office for about an hour and Brigham decided to write me a story while he waited for me. He left it on my desk and I found it this morning when I went in to the office. He wrote it in exactly the same format as the stories that he has to read for kindergarten. Also I just like how he sounded out the words phonetically. For those of you who don't read kindergartner I have translated for you below the picture. Brigham Brigham found a ladybug
Brigham and dad found a ladybug
Brigham found a ladybug (he drew the bug after lady just like his book would have)


Amber said...

Good job Brigham! So rad to find those. I hope you hold on to that forever. What a sweet treasure.

Hemphill Family said...

That is so cute.

Tara said...

So cute! I love that once you post them on here, you will have them (hopefully) forever! What a sweet boy to leave that for his daddy! The camping trip looks so fun but, Summer, I have to say you are crazy for going while you're prego! What a trooper you are!

A Fun Slideshow