Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Grandma to the rescue!!!!

While I was sick my mom came to the rescue!!! My kids hadn't been out of the house in like a week and I was so sick I couldn't gt out of bed, so she came up and saved me! You should have seen my kids when they saw grandma! My mom brought me some food, cleaned my house and took the boys for 2 days!!! When I went up to Gavalin Hills to pick them up they didn't want to go home! What kid would, it is like Disneyland up there for them! Here are some pictures of the fun they had while mommy was so sick!

Brig and Joseph feeding the horse.

Joseph chasing the chickens!

Planting a garden with grandpa! Something
mommy remembers doing with grandpa at
about that age.

Petting the horsey!

Paul had a good time chasing the chickens too,
after he warmed up to them.

What a great place! My kids will definately
have lots of fun memories with grandpa and grandma!


Mare said...
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Anonymous said...

These pictures brought a tear to my eyes. It is funny how much your dad is starting to look like Grandpa Thompson. These pictures remind me of going to visit grandma and grandpa at their ranch. What wonderful memories!

A Fun Slideshow