Saturday, March 1, 2008

I love this kid!!

Mike and I decided that we love this kid! He is by far the best singer on American Idol right now! This was one of my favorite performances ever on Idol! The only other performance that was almost as good was when Carrie Underwood sang "Alone " by Heart. I love the arrangment David put together of this song. I would buy this single if he put it out!! Listen to this and then let me know what you think! ***Make sure you pause my music first***


Tara said...

I'm glad you put this up! I have watched a couple of episodes and have been totally UNIMPRESSED by the boys so i stopped watching "guys night." That was an AMAZING performance! I guess i'll keep watching just for him. I really like some of the girls though.

malinda said...

Ok I just have to throw this out there, but are you just a little bias because he is Mormon? I will admit I am but, I really think he is top three this year. Could be number one. I really like this performance. I was surprised at how much the judges liked it. Paula was crying and Simon was raving. I loved it. Go David!!

Candice said...

He is adorable! I've loved his voice from the start. My young women say he's LDS, but I don't know if it's true. I saw that you tagged me. I've been tagged before. I think my answers are in my Oct archive. I'm going to watch the song again now :)

Tanya said...

LOVE him! Thanks for sharing.


I totally agree! Definately my favorite guy on the show. :)

Mare said...

Okay I have to admit that I have not been watching this year but my dad made me watch because one of the guys that I know from home is now on, David Cook. So I watched this week and I love this little guy too!

Angie said...

He's the best!

Shannon said...

I watched for the first time last night. He was great. Brook White is LDS too. She was my sisters roommate out in LA before she (Brook) got married. So we are rooting for her too.

A Fun Slideshow