Friday, March 14, 2008

The Video


malinda said...
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malinda said...

That was pretty funny. You have the wildness in your home now all you need is some drama, I guess it is time for a girl :)

Mare said...

Love the video. i the girls watched with me and just laughed. They think boys are facinating. I could do with a little craziness one day but for now I will just enjoy the DRAMA of having all girls!

Heather McMullin said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....that is so my house alllll of the time. I love it. All I could think about is them twice as big running through the house. By then there will probably be holes in the walls and broken bones instead of bumps and bruises.

Tammy said...

Cute! What a wild, crazy and FUN bunch of boys... I think if this baby is a boy she'll probably be right in their with the boys. FUN!

Jayne said...

I wasn't worried about Paul, it was the pillows that look like they won't last long!

cute boys, glad children are for the young!

Angie said...

We only have 2 boys, but these type of things are going on daily in our home. I love having boys, especially when their dad is all "boy" with them:)

HeatherC said...

That is totally my life but my hubby is usually right in the middle of it too! BOYS!!!!!

A Fun Slideshow